Personnel Administration Planner for Human Resources: Excel Template
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This customizable, user-friendly template contains formulas which enable human resource departments to better plan out potential hires and termination activities, as well as general attrition. Dashboards and printable visuals are provided.
The department count contains 28 slots. These can be used for tracking general employees and administration, research and development, sales and marketing, and more (broken down into more granular branches based on user preference). Users can also remove unnecessary data/ rows, based on how many slots they need for tracking.
Users input the following data: departments, add/loss events, dates, values, and projection model of headcounts by department. All editable cells are color coded for ease of entry.
Based on this input, the template will automatically generate a headcount by department (as of the current date) as well as a planned headcount at 30, 60, and 90 days out. These time frames of the forecast are editable, i.e., it doesn’t have to occur at 30-, 60-, and 90-day mark. The current date and future dates will automatically update with the “today function”.
In addition, the template calculates projected headcount against model headcounts, which shows if expected hiring and termination activity results in a value that is greater or less than the expected model number.
The template contains visuals which show expected net surplus and shortage at projected dates (30, 60, and 90 days). A negative value indicates a shortage and a positive value indicates a surplus.
This template is a useful tool for administrators or anyone working in human resources who want to better plan for future hiring and termination activities, as well as general attrition.