Assisted Living / Nursing Home 10-Year Startup Financial Model
Whether it is an assisted living facility or nursing home, the logic and bottom-up assumptions required to create a comprehensive financial forecast are similar.
At a basic level you have acquisition or development costs, a room count with different room rates, and a staff to run things. This model has done a really good job at already having the primary name slots input as it was built from someone that worked in an assisted living facility. It sort of is a mix between traditional real estate and a startup business.
- Driven off 5 room types with 6 potential tiers of care add-on prices for each room type and the count of each
- Define initial occupancy, improvement in occupancy, and stabilized occupancy
- Define other ancillary income per month
- Define annual growth rate of room rates
- In-house staff (start month, count, monthly cost, payroll tax/benefits % for each staff type) lots of slots here
- Outsourced therapy teams and their confugration
- Other professionals (doctors/audiologists/dentist/et...) that have a fee and their own cost configuration
- General fixed cost schedule
- Capex schedule for depreciable purchases
- Development / acquisition costs (6 sections with 20 slots each so costs can be anayzed easily)
- Select if debt is to be used or not
- A % of all negative cash flows up to a defined month will flow to a construction loan, which can accrue or apply interest monthly
- Interest-only loan rolls into a p+i at a defined month
- Option for a ReFi also available at ad efined month
- All the logic is dynamic between these three debt sources
Output Reports:
- Monthly and Annual Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement
- Annual Executive Summary that has high level items all the way to final cash flow
- DCF Analysis of project, owner/operator/GP, investor/LP
- Option for a separate distribution schedule to be used that is based on IRR hurdles for the LP if this is a joint venture
- Lots of visualizations
- Capitalization Table (detailed for insiders / outsiders) share count / fully diluted ownership / contribution / distribution summary by month
On a per project, per operator, and per investor basis, you will see NPV, ROI, equity multiple, and general total invested / total returned summaries.
Terminal value is optional and if included then an EBITDA multiple is used based on 12-month trailing figures.
This is a true financial simulation and is a great tool to test out feasibilities and worst case / best case scenarios as welll as the resulting cash required to survive and potential return on investment.
Everything (IRRs / contribution / distribution) is driven off a granular monthly schedule.
Assisted Living / Nursing Home 10-Year Startup Financial Model
In Stock
Whether it is an assisted living facility or nursing home, the logic and bottom-up assumptions required to create a comprehensive financial forecast are similar.
At a basic level you have acquisition or development costs, a room count with different room rates, and a staff to run things. This model has done a really good job at already having the primary name slots input as it was built from someone that worked in an assisted living facility. It sort of is a mix between traditional real estate and a startup business.
- Driven off 5 room types with 6 potential tiers of care add-on prices for each room type and the count of each
- Define initial occupancy, improvement in occupancy, and stabilized occupancy
- Define other ancillary income per month
- Define annual growth rate of room rates
- In-house staff (start month, count, monthly cost, payroll tax/benefits % for each staff type) lots of slots here
- Outsourced therapy teams and their confugration
- Other professionals (doctors/audiologists/dentist/et...) that have a fee and their own cost configuration
- General fixed cost schedule
- Capex schedule for depreciable purchases
- Development / acquisition costs (6 sections with 20 slots each so costs can be anayzed easily)
- Select if debt is to be used or not
- A % of all negative cash flows up to a defined month will flow to a construction loan, which can accrue or apply interest monthly
- Interest-only loan rolls into a p+i at a defined month
- Option for a ReFi also available at ad efined month
- All the logic is dynamic between these three debt sources
Output Reports:
- Monthly and Annual Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement
- Annual Executive Summary that has high level items all the way to final cash flow
- DCF Analysis of project, owner/operator/GP, investor/LP
- Option for a separate distribution schedule to be used that is based on IRR hurdles for the LP if this is a joint venture
- Lots of visualizations
- Capitalization Table (detailed for insiders / outsiders) share count / fully diluted ownership / contribution / distribution summary by month
On a per project, per operator, and per investor basis, you will see NPV, ROI, equity multiple, and general total invested / total returned summaries.
Terminal value is optional and if included then an EBITDA multiple is used based on 12-month trailing figures.
This is a true financial simulation and is a great tool to test out feasibilities and worst case / best case scenarios as welll as the resulting cash required to survive and potential return on investment.
Everything (IRRs / contribution / distribution) is driven off a granular monthly schedule.